Friday, December 12, 2008

Our H-U-G-E Christmas tree

Well David and the boys went to get us a Christmas tree- they came back wih a 12 foot tree!! Now David tells me that we have had this size tree in the past. I don't think so. This tree seems especially tall you decide. Here is a picture before it is all situated and ummm straightened. Dave brought the tree in and then went back to work. The cold air coming off this tree was incredible.

So after David and the boys came back home - we got started, first we had to measure the tree- 11 feet 8 inches, and David cut off a piee at the bottom before bringing it in the house. Next came decorating--starting with Owen!?!

So after many hours of lights and bulbs and laughing, David getting a shock from a bad string of light-oops and ouchy, and begging the boys to be careful with the breakable ones- the tree was decorated. It looks very nice, but I guess next year, we are going to 'settle' on a 9 foot tree.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

but you need some small, colored lights mixed in the middle.

Really -it is beautiful.